About us


Taras Kononets Робин Гуд лагерь

The leader of the Russian camps

Taras Kononets and Svetlana Kononets are the founders of the Robin Hood Camp

Welcome to Camp Industry!

Since 2006, the private company Camp Industry LLC has been a leading children's tour operator (in the Unified Federal Register of tour operators of Russia), the owner of the camp "Robin Hood" (in the register of children's camps) the leader in the development of thematic recreation programs for children and adolescents (license for educational activities №040279 dated August 23, 2019).

Robin Hood® is a registered trademark №986373 и №523300 children's camps on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Child welfare

We are active participants in the international ICF camp movement and strive to improve the quality of services provided, strengthen the safety of children on vacation and promote children's camps as a space for a unique life experience, where every child is realized by showing their abilities and talents.

Exciting experiences, unexpected events, exciting trials, exciting travels, interesting communication, new acquaintances are the main components of adventures in the Robin Hood camp.

We offer an informative vacation filled with vivid impressions. Our clients are families with an active lifestyle, for whom learning new things, communicating with each other and the world around them is an integral part of their lives.

Taras Kononets

Psychologist, teacher, adventure manager. Founder of the Camp Industry company, founder of the Robin Hood Park Hotel and Children's camp, author of ideas and head of educational programs, winner of the Moscow Manager of the Year 2010 competition in the Hotel and Tourism Business nomination, coach of the International Training Course for ICDC Camp Directors. In 2022, he received public recognition and was awarded the Badge of honor of Russia "For loyalty to Childhood". In the industry since 1996.

Svetlana Kononets

Psychologist, teacher, musician. Founder of the Robin Hood camp, artistic director, author of creative programs, honorary worker of education of the Russian Federation, winner of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year 2001" in the nomination "additional education". In 2021, she received public recognition and was awarded the Badge of honor of Russia "For loyalty to Childhood". He has been in the industry since 1991.

The pedagogy of adventure

The pedagogy of adventure

The Robin Hood Children's Camp implements the methods of adventure pedagogy. The philosophy of the Enlightenment formed the basis of adventure pedagogy. The views and ideas of the thinkers of the XVIII century on the subject of free education.

Today, adventure pedagogy is an innovative field of pedagogy, which is based on the creative search for new educational forms aimed at forming practical experience in children and adolescents, as well as beliefs about the importance of their own internal resources, which can be independently used by them in overcoming life difficulties.

The founder of adventure pedagogy is considered to be Kurt Khan, who in 1920 at a boarding school located in Salem Castle (on Lake Constance) used the techniques of "adventure therapy", including various physical activities in the educational process - hiking, outdoor games, gymnastic and artistic exercises, as well as practical work in the garden, in workshops, on the field, etc.

Explanatory dictionaries consider the concept of "adventure" as an incident, an unexpected event in life, a risky venture, an adventurous adventure, an interesting, entertaining incident with a complex plot.

A pedagogical adventure always provides situations that create a connection between an external and internal emotional experience, and the joint overcoming of certain difficulties by its participants establishes closer relations between them, creates an informal atmosphere and destroys communication barriers.


All external forms of art (music, poetry, dance, theater, painting) are the means of adventure pedagogy. For example, playing on stage, music, and texts form special emotions in adolescents, which become educational forms. Through the adventures of heroes in the fantasy world, you can influence teenagers, their emotions, imagination and actions.

At Camp Robin Hood, children are offered a choice of 12 interest programs, from water sports and archery, to cooking classes and a summer arts residence for gifted children. These are programs for horseback riding, English, tourism, technical, sports and creative directions. You can choose for yourself what you love or what you have never tried.

The children in the camp learn new things, overcome difficulties, solve conflict situations, learn to interact with each other and the world around them through joint adventures.

The lake with a lighthouse, a boat station and houses on the shore from the very first minutes capture the imagination with its unique atmosphere of freedom, creativity and romance.

Buggy driving classes, a rope park in trees, a living courtyard with rabbits and birds, fashion shows of their own collections, navigation, hot air balloon flights, catamaran rafting – this is the reality that children are immersed in every day.

From an interview on the camp's YouTube channel, you can see how deeply the guys are experiencing their first experience in team canoeing. The children's impressions of the nature of the reservoir, waterfowl, lost paddle and completed task for a while, their desire to test themselves and try other types of water entertainment sound emotionally in colors.

In the forge of the camp, clutching a forged ring to his heart, the boy is sincerely surprised by the incredible result of his own creativity. Under the guidance of an experienced mentor, children create a simple artistic product in one lesson and take it with them.

Or girls after classes in the perfumer's workshop, having studied the work of the alcitara apparatus, are proud to create their own fragrance, anticipating how they will give a bottle of perfume to their beloved mother...

We are convinced that the "adventure" in pedagogy is, first of all, the key to personal development.

The major idea of the camp

The major idea of the camp

The thematic program of the Robin Hood children's camp is not just a set of outdoor activities, we have made great efforts to make the legend of Sherwood a real adventure for children!

The mission of the camp

The well-being of the younger generation. To contribute to the knowledge of ourselves, each other and the world around us through the joint experience of adventures.

Welcome to Robin Hood camp!

Love, kindness, traditional values and great opportunities reign here.


International Camping Fellowship
Stemma generis ST
Содействие детскому отдыху
Robin Hood camp in Russia

Office in Moscow

Baumanskaya str., 7
office 202, 2nd floor
Camp Industry LLC

Address of the camp

Ozernaya str., 1
Kremenki, Kaluga region., 249185