The School of Counselors

from the Robin Hood Camp

Children's tour operator Camp Industry announces recruitment to the school of counselors 2024!

License for educational activities №040279 dated August 23, 2019

The School of Counselors The School of Counselors from the Robin Hood camp


Обучение вожатскому мастерству


The video presentation of the school of counselors is on our page Вконтакте.

Full-time classes will be held in the Children's Library No. 20 named after A.A. Delvig, Moscow, Baumanskaya metro station, Aptekarsky Lane, 8/2, page 1.

The start of full-time classes is on March 3rd! We will meet every Sunday in March - April, from 11:00-18:00.

The final classes will be held on April 28-30 directly at the camp on a mandatory field intensive.

The school is 14 years old

Over the 14 years of successful operation of the school, camp specialists from England, Germany, Canada, the USA, Turkey, Venezuela, Mexico and Croatia have taught here. We are proud of the opportunity to learn from the best of the best, and we draw inspiration and new ideas from these classes. All classes are held in the form of master classes, discussions, group work, and games. At the end of the training, students receive a certificate of the established sample, and most importantly, knowledge, energy and motivation! We will be glad to see you at the Robin Hood Camp.

The training is free of charge

Full-time education is free. A deposit of 5000 rubles for a two-day intensive visit. However, if you work in the summer at the Robin Hood camp, we refund the 3,500 rubles deposit, and the cost of passing the medical examination is reimbursed 50% after 2 shifts of work and 100% after 3 shifts or more.


Курсы для вожатых

Upon graduation from the counselor's school, a certificate of the established sample is issued in accordance with the new professional standard of the counselor (ORDER No. 840n dated December 25, 2018).


  • The history of the camp movement;
  • psychology;
  • conflictology;
  • ethics and pedagogy;
  • gaming technology and team building;
  • planning;
  • camp security, risk management;
  • first aid;
  • legal issues.

We will be glad to see you in our team!

Мы всегда на связи:

ст. метро Бауманская

Москва, ул. Аптекарский пер., 8/2, стр 1.
почта для документов:
Запись на школу вожатых
Robin Hood camp in Russia

Office in Moscow

Baumanskaya str., 7
office 202, 2nd floor
Camp Industry LLC

Address of the camp

Ozernaya str., 1
Kremenki, Kaluga region., 249185