Gourmet camp

β‚½ 105 950

14 days / 13 nights

The gastronomic program of the camp immerses children in the world of culinary workshops and trendy video blogs about the preparation of original recipes. In a specially equipped modern kitchen, under the guidance of experienced Chefs, children learn to understand food and cook beautiful, healthy and delicious dishes.

For children aged 10-16. A limited set of 16 seats.

Gourmet camp The gastronomic program of the camp
Culinary children's camp


The gastronomic year 2019 in Russia and the universal passion for proper and healthy food, people's interest in a variety of high-quality restaurants, led us to the idea of creating a special culinary program for children.

The main idea of the Gurmania program is to create conditions in an informal setting in the conditions of a country holiday and to attract children into the world of proper, tasty and safe nutrition. To lay the foundations of a nutrition culture and proper eating habits in an entertaining way. To teach how to cook with joy for yourself and your loved ones.

Within two weeks, children will get acquainted with popular dishes of the cuisine of the peoples of the world. They will begin to master the art of confectionery and chocolatier, baking and cooking, secular etiquette and table setting.

In addition, children have the opportunity to try their hand and become a real presenter or participant in a cooking show. The guys will run a video blog about delicious and healthy food, shoot cooking and post videos on our Youtube channel.

We cook with pleasure

Gourmet Cooking Camp

The high standards for the organization of baby food in the camp, as well as the company's own capabilities, allowed us to create and provide a high-tech and safe kitchen where children take the first steps in cooking.

Camp program:

  • etiquette and serving,
  • cuisines of the peoples of the world,
  • confectioner,
  • chocolatier,
  • baker,
  • cooking shows and video blogs,
  • applied creativity,
  • outdoor sports,
  • creative and evening entertainment programs

And that's not all! As is customary in country recreation camps, children have enough time to enjoy active outdoor activities, play sports, be creative and participate in general camp activities, quests and role-playing games.

Gourmet cooking camp for children and teenagers

Future Chefs

The culinary program is designed for children and teenagers 10-16 years old who are really interested in cooking and are ready to practice daily for 2-3 hours and master a difficult but very interesting science.

Communication with the MASTER

A little diligence and the reward will not take long. Especially enthusiastic children easily learn skills and get a stable idea of an interesting, popular and well-paid profession. At the end of the shift, the young Chefs will receive a lesson from the leading Master of one of the famous restaurants.

See more videos on our channel

Dates sessions for summer 2025

1May 28 - June 10
2June 13 - June 26
3June 29 - July 12
4July 15 - July 28
5July 31 - Aug 13
6Aug 16 - Aug 29
Robin Hood camp in Russia

Office in Moscow

Baumanskaya str., 7
office 202, 2nd floor
Camp Industry LLC

Address of the camp

Ozernaya str., 1
Kremenki, Kaluga region., 249185